"Danny Kills"

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"Sonra görüşürüz dostum!" Leroy bana çantamı fırlattı.
"Görüşürüz!" Dedikten sonra Mark'ın ensesine bir şaplak indirip sınıftan dışarı koştum. Okuldan çıkınca da her ihtimale karşı koşmaya devam ettim. Beni yakalayamadığı için kendi kendime güldüm ve birazdan adımlarımı yavaşlattım.

Eve girdiğimde görünürde kimse yoktu. Çantamı odamda yere koydum ve banyoya girdim. Ellerimi yıkadıktan sonra dışarı çıktım. Garipti, hiç ses yoktu. Oysa kız kardeşim Lilly bir dakika bile sessiz duramazdı. O küçük cadının hep konuşacak şeyleri vardı.
Bağırdım ve mutfağa girdim. Büyükannem genelde yemek yaptığı için orada olurdu. Ama yoktu, evde kimse yoktu.
Şaşkınlıkla bakındıktan sonra kendime yiyecek bir şeyler çıkarttım. Salamı dilimledim ve iki dilim ekmeğin arasına koydum. Fıstık ezmesini de masaya koyduktan sonra sandalyelerden birine oturdum. İçimde kötü bir his vardı, sanki izleniyormuşum gibi.

Yemeğim bittikten sonra odama gidip üstüme rahat bir şeyler geçirdim. Okulda giydiğim kıyafetleri koymak için dolabımı açtım.

Hareket edemedim, olduğum yerde donup kaldım.

Büyükannem ve kardeşim Lilly, parçalanmış şekilde dolabıma konmuşlardı. Kafaları, kolları ve bacakları gövdelerinden ayrılmıştı, derileri ise yanmış gibiydi. Başımın döndüğünü hissettim, sanki ayağımın altındaki yer kayıyordu. Bir süre nefes bile alamadım, öylece kaldım. Biraz kendime gelebildiğimde odadan dışarı çıkmak için fırladım. Kapı yüzüme kapandı ve karşı taraftan kilitlendi. Kapıyı zorladım ama açılmadı. Dehşet içinde arkama döndüm. O anda tavandan gelen sesle irkildim . Avize büyük bir hızla sallanıyordu. Korkuyla kapıyı zorlamaya devam ettim, artık tüm oda sallanıyordu.

"Onların hiçbir suçu yoktu!" Diye bağırdım.
"Neden öldürdün onları!"
Yere çöktüm ve sarsılarak ağlamaya başladım. Annem ve babam ben sekiz yaşımdayken trafik kazasında ölmüşlerdi. Artık tek ailem olan kız kardeşim ve büyükannem de yoktu. Şimdi ne halt edecektim? O, her neyse, beni de öldürmeliydi. Hemen şimdi öldürmeliydi.

"Danny!" Kız kardeşimin tatlı sesini duyuyordum, bana sesleniyordu.
Gözlerimi kapatıp sıktım. Deliriyor muydum? Yoksa tüm bunlar bir kabus muydu?
"Fıstık ezmesinin kapağını kapatmayı unuttun tatlım." Dedi büyükannem. Cesetleri parçalanmış hâlde dolaptaydı. Peki onları nasıl duyuyordum? Sesleri kafamın içindeydi, aklımı kaçırıyor olmalıydım.
"Danny! Beni duymuyor musun? Danny!"
Lilly şiddetle bağırdı. Ellerimle kulaklarımı kapattım.
"Daniell Button, hemen kız kardeşinin odasına gidiyorsun." Dedi büyükannem.
Çaresizce ağlıyordum, bedenim sarsılıyordu. Yere çökmüştüm ve kalkamıyordum, güçsüzdüm. Zaman geçiyordu, oda artık kapkaranlıktı. Bütün bunların bir kabus olmasını, eğer kabus değilse de ölmeyi diliyordum.
Yerde uzun bir gölge belirdi. Birden gelen cesaretle başımı kaldırdım. İşte oydu, o olduğunu biliyordum. Karanlıktı. Siyah bir iskelet gibiydi. Fazla iri, simsiyah gözleri vardı ve kocaman ağzıyla gülümsüyordu.

Kulaklarım uğulduyor ve beynim kaç diye bağırıyordu, aldırmadan orada durdum ve korkunç suratına baktım.
"Ne istiyorsun?" Diye sordum. Aslında bağırmak istemiştim ama sesim çıkmamıştı.
Gülümsemesini bozmadı.
"İstediğimi aldım." Dedi, sesi ışıksız bir gece kadar ürperticiydi.
"Neden!" Diye bağırdım, sesim yankılandı. Başını eğdi ve güldü.
"Neden!" Diye bağırdım tekrar, başını kaldırmadı ve cevap vermedi. O sırada aşağıdan gelen sesleri duydum.

Henüz ben ne olduğunu anlayamadan kapı kırılarak açıldı. İçeri polisler girdi. Karşımdaki şey ise yok oldu. Polislerin karşısında tek başıma kala kalmıştım.
"Sakın kıpırdama!"
Diye bağırdı biri.
"Kıpırdama! Olduğun yerde kal!"
Şaşkınlıkla onlara bakıyordum. Onlar... Benim yaptığımı sanıyor olamazlardı, değil mi? Bulunduğum şoktan çıkamadan beni omuzumdan tutup sertçe ayağa kaldırdı.
"Aileni öldürmek ha? Ne istedin bu yaşlı kadından ve küçük kızdan!" Bir polisin attığı tekmeyle yere yığıldım, henüz kalkamadan iki tane polis daha yaklaştı.
"Neden yaptın bunu? Delirdin mi?" Dedi biri. Bir şey söyleyemiyor ve hareket etmiyordum. Sanırım bir çeşit şoktaydım.
"Bakışlarına bak şunun! Kesinlikle aklını kaçırmış." Dedi diğer polis. Sonra beni ayağa kaldırdı.
"Haydi bakalım. Umarım uzun yıllar içerde kalırsın da aklın başına gelir."
Başımı yere eğdim, vücut sıcaklığım git gide artıyor gibiydi. Yine, kulaklarım uğulduyordu. Uzun yıllar orada kalmamı umduğunu söyleyen polis, beni dışarı çekiştirdi. Bazıları içerde kalıp cesetlerle ilgilenirken, diğerleri de beni dışarı çıkartıp polis arabasına yönlendirdi.
"Nereye gidiyorsun?" Diye sordu Lilly, üzgün bir sesle.

"Özür dilerim bebeğim." Dedim, çevremdekilere aldırmadan.
"Sizi koruyamadım. Çok özür dilerim."

"Kiminle konuşuyorsun sen?" Dedi beni arabaya çekiştiren polis memuru.
"Neyse. Zaten önemli değil. 17 yaşında aileni parçalamışsın. Seni psikopat."
Ona döndüm. Gözlerimin dolmasına engel olmaya çalıştım.
"B-ben... Ben yapmadım." Dedim zorlukla.
"Yemin ederim..."
"Boş konuşma." Dedi ve beni arabadan içeri itti. O anda silahını kaptım ve ona ateş ettim. İsabetli olmamıştı. Bacağından vurduğum adam kıpırdamamamı bağırıyordu.

Bu CP Taylor Fulya Swiftioner tarafından yazılmıştır ^_^
Geç paylaştığım  için kendisinden özür diliyorum T_T Mail kutum o kadar dolu ve karışık ki, bunu bulmak saatlerimi aldı (-_-')
CEOs Buying Their Way Out Of Jail

CEOs Buying Their Way Out Of Jail

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David Cay Johnston reports on GM executives' ability to buy their freedom with corporate funds.

It should be illegal to barter cash for an executive's free ride. It's like permanent bail offered to criminals with infinite cash.

How is bartering company cash to avoid executive jail time not unlike bribing officials?

How is an executive in such a leverage position not essentially bargaining with employees or the wider economy as a hostage?

I realize the complexities of the case and the odds of a conviction play into these bargains, but the amount of money a CEO has to bargain with distorts the justice system and enables the distortion of the economy.

Another example of the Rule of Accumulated Advantage.

At the other end of the justice system, the low end where people have very little money, justice is distorted by the mechanisms prosecutors use to extort fines and penalties. In an inverse fashion, the leverage of money works against the person charged. At the low end of the economy lack of money leverages a person's other disadvantages.

There should be an algorithm to calculate how money buys freedom at the high end of the wealth spectrum and how lack of money is used against defendants at the low end. There is a key difference between how it works. At the upper end these CEOs buy freedom with their company's money; at the low end the people prosecuted for the various crimes associated with being poor are invariably paying their fines and bail bonds by mortgaging all they have.

This is not a new phenomenon. During the Middle Ages the extortion racket was conducted by the Church. It was the selling of indulgences and got people shorter terms in Purgatory.

This disparity between rich man's justice and poor man's justice does make you wonder. Do CEOs and others in the so-called "leadership class" (those who own for a living), do they possess sovereign status? Are they immune from the laws and hazards that govern the rest of us? Are they above the law? Does Might, after all, make you Right? This was a belief that democracy was supposed to make obsolete, but our society has delegated so many moral decisions to our money. We've let our money take the place of our conscience, and our courts of law and our politics have been corrupted by this.

Japan Lean Tour is about to begin!

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We are very excited to launch our flagship Japan Lean Tour program tomorrow. 28 members of our Blackbelt program arrived from all over North America. The launching point is right here in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

Lyrics: Amy Winehouse - You Know I'm No Good

Lyrics: Amy Winehouse - You Know I'm No Good

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[Verse 1]
Meet you downstairs in the bar and heard
Your rolled up sleeves and your skull t-shirt
You say (What did you do with him today?)
And sniffed me out like I was Tanqueray
Cause you're my fella, my guy
Hand me your Stella and fly
By the time I'm out the door
You tear men down like Roger Moore

I cheated myself
Like I knew I would
I told you I was trouble
You know that I'm no good

[Verse 2]
Upstairs in bed with my ex boy
He's in the place but I can't get joy
Thinking on you in the final throes
This is when my buzzer goes
Run out to meet you, chips and pitta
You say (When we married) cause you're not bitter
(There'll be none of him no more)
I cried for you on the kitchen floor

I cheated myself
Like I knew I would
I told you I was trouble
You know that I'm no good

[Verse 3]
Sweet reunion, Jamaica and Spain
We're like how we were again
I'm in the tub, You on the seat
Lick your lips as I soak my feet
Then you notice little carpet burn
My stomach drops and my guts churn
You shrug and it's the worst
Who truly stuck the knife in first

I cheated myself
Like I knew I would
I told you I was trouble
You know that I'm no good

Freezer Fruit Cocktail Mix

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Saving those uneaten fruits from the trash is the easiest thing to do! Every so often you end up with 1 or 2 pieces of fruit that has gone uneaten but they are now past their prime. Many of us freeze mashed up bananas for baking, but what about all the other fruits?

Here is what I do with that 1 mandarin orange, or handful of berries: Keep a gallon sized freezer bag in the fridge for a last minute frozen fruit salad or for smoothies.

I prefer to flash freeze my fruit pieces first. This is when you lay the fruit pieces on baking sheets and put into freezer till each piece is individually frozen. Then place frozen fruit into a freezer container or bag and they won't clump together! You can grab out exactly the amount you need!

In todays bag I pulled from the freezer I have Mandarin oranges, Pineapple chunks and raspberries. But apples, mangos, kiwis,peaches, watermelons cantelopes, grapes, blueberries are all good too! You never know what I have in my freezer fruit bag!

Besides smoothies, I will make a quick fruit salad for a side dish.

fruit cocktail salad:
Makes 4 servings

Partially thaw 2 cups Frozen fruit mix in a serving bowl.
Pour 2 cups gingerale or lemon-lime soda over the fruit mix.

Jan's Tip: The Gingerale or Lemon-Lime Soda is a quick shortcut for a traditional sugar syrup that comes with canned fruit.

How do you use your frozen fruit?

Happy New Year and the New AG Girl of the Year :)

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Happy New Year, everyone!  I can't believe it's already 2015! :)  I hope this year is full of God's best for all of you. :)

Most of you who are into American Girl dolls are probably already aware of this, but I just thought I'd mention that the new Girl of the Year, Grace Thomas, is officially up on the American Girl website.  You can see her whole collection HERE.

I think she's a cutie, but as I'm running out of room for dolls, I don't think she'll be joining my doll family.  I think she'd make a great sister for my mom's Chrissa doll, though. ;)  I really like a lot of her outfits and accessories.  Here are the things I would love to add to my collection:

Grace's City Outfit 
(original image HERE)

This outfit is sweet and has great mix and match possibilities.  I especially love the sweater. :)  It's selling for $34, which is pretty typical for new AG outfits.  A little more than I'd like to spend, but if we ended up at an AG Place this year, I wouldn't mind getting this as a souvenir. ;)  

Grace's Travel Coat
(original image HERE)

I really love the color and style of this coat.  It's $28, and the coat is all you get (the boots pictured are her meet boots).  Again, a little more than I'd like to spend, but super cute. :)

Grace's Travel Set
(original image HERE)

This set has so many fun details, and I really like the color scheme of everything.  I think I'd have a hard time spending the $44 on this set when I could get a pretty nice Our Generation Travel set (of comparable quality) for half that cost.  I can dream though, right? ;)

And speaking of dreaming, if I had the funds AND the space, these two things would be pretty cool:

Grace's Pastry Cart
(original image HERE)

Check out all the amazing detail and all of the cute goodies on this thing!  My daughters and I would have loads of fun setting this up and playing. ;)  It's $150, though, which is a bit out of our price range at the moment.  Plus, I'm not sure where we'd put it.  Apparently a lot of people really like this set, because it's already on backorder! 
Grace's French Bakery
(original image HERE)

And while we're dreaming, I might as well share a picture of this incredible bakery.  This thing is HUGE and has over 60 accessories.  I have no clue where we would put it, but it would sure be fun. ;)  This one retails for $500.  Again, not really in our price range at the moment. ;)

What are your favorite releases from Grace's collection?  Will Grace or any of her things be joining your doll families?

Our Easter Weekend in Photos... a little late

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We spent our Easter weekend with my family at my parents' house out in the country - there were baby ducklings to pet (thanks to Uncle Josh), puppies playing, cousins to kiss on and lots and lots of food (yes, including the bunny cake).  Enjoy this little photo recap of our weekend back home!

Emma and I had been practicing egg hunting for the past few weeks so she'd know just what to do - she was a pro.

Macy keeping watch.

Mr. is a farm dog at heart.  He thinks.

Easter basket time.

6 am chocolate covered bunny.  

PJ snuggling with Gramp Gramp.

Recognize Baby Kate's dress?  (hint : Emma's from her first Easter)

Road to church.

Love the muted colors of early spring.

Antebellum mansion out in the country near my parents' house.  I was crazy about this house when I was growing up.

 It gets crazy at Moo Moo's house - lots of ladies.

Post church playing.

Emma  Makes Way for Ducklings (again).

Spring has finally sprung - stay tuned this week for recipes from this past weekend... lots of breakfasts and dinners on the porch.
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Needless to say I have some unusual habits

Antoine Donzeaud
featuring Micah Hesse

Fondazione Rivoli2 - Milan

Needless to say I have some unusual habits

Antoine Donzeaud
featuring Micah Hesse

curated by Domenico de Chirico

October 1st - November 14th, 2015

Fondazione Rivoli2, Milan, Italy

For this new exhibition, Antoine Donzeaud chooses not to use figuration. His works thus retain a formal freedom and are nevertheless imbued with narrative fictions.
The staged sets he offers, just like the title of the exhibition, are all signs from which the viewer can construct a narrative.
"Needless to say I have some unusual habits" is the line of a fictional character: Dexter Morgan, the collector serial killer in the eponymous series Dexter. There is a very close formal link between the modus operandi of said serial killer - whose favorite material is transparent plastic sheeting - and the artist, whose exhibition tends to offer a dissected and exploded vision of his work.
The layout of the Rivoli2 Foundation's space over three floors offers an ideal configuration which reinforces the proposal of a sequenced exhibition. Like a "decomposed action painting" Antoine Donzeaud develops an interpretation of his art in three chapters: genesis, making and presentation – and showcases the different production stages of his works being careful nevertheless not to favor the only physical act of their creation.
In the basement, the work is in preparation, takes on sustenance, is impregnated and begins to take shape. Basic elements of the artist's vocabulary are gathered together like a primitive form of incubation: clear folded protective sheeting is floating in plastic tanks.
An atmosphere of expectation is created with subdued lighting and the dissemination of a looped video by Micah Hesse which horizontally scrolls through a New York subway line where the floor is littered with empty plastic Coke bottles rolling around and spilling all kinds of fluids.
The ground floor houses Loop Painting, an installation in which a painting from the Untitled PE series is presented in its final stage of production.
The Untitled PEs make the production of the painting and the construction of the chassis a mise en abyme. The transparent polyethylene sheeting used to protect the floor from paint splashes when the chassis was built becomes the canvas itself, causing the creation of the container and contents to be done simultaneously.
During final assembly, the sheet is placed on the chassis, paint on the inside, and is stretched by the artist by means of a temperature difference.
The studio protocol is here changed to permit observation of this final stage of creation on a continuous loop. The Untitled PE is lying horizontally on a table above radiators. When spectators enter the room, a motion sensor turns these radiators on and the heat loosens the sheets. When the radiators turn off, the plastic sheeting cools and returns to its original state.
The interaction with the viewer evokes the sonic sculptures described in "The Singing Statues" by JG Ballard ; the work seems to breathe like a creature in intensive care on an operating table. A way of saying that the history of painting is far from being written.
Climbing the stairs, a new perspective opens up where you can see a wider view of the surface of Loop Painting.
A series of Untitled PEs is also shown on the second floor, suspended in space, as if frozen in a new intermediate step.
Finally, on the last wall the finished work is hung vertically in a traditional way, like a transparent threshold that closes the exhibition and invites us to think about what might happen beyond.
The whole installation marks the sequence of events and actions which leads to the artist's creation of his pieces. Each area gives a snapshot as a kind of reinterpretation of a frozen moment in the creation process.
The exhibition offers a space for reflection on contemporary painting. Each step it is composed of is staged to invite the viewer to adopt a distanced view of its purpose by playing on the principles of its presentation.

Text by Marine Brutti.

Images: Courtesy Fondazione Rivoli 2, The artists