Hi! So at the moment, it's storming like crazy and I'm bored. So I decided to post a bunch of photos I took with Megan today! We already posted a few on our blog (by the way, thank you guys so much for ten followers and 200+ page views on it, especially since its only like, four days old! We really appreciate it♥), but I decided since I have them, why not make them into a PS on here? 'Cause I mean, I still need to share photos with you guys! Right? Right. Enjoy!
See, a lot more than usual! That's something I don't think I'll ever understand; when out doing a shoot with Megan, I tend to take way more photos that when I take them alone. Maybe I just exhaust my inspiration faster alone...? No clue. Well, comment down below what your favorite one(s) is/are! I think I like the first ten the best =) have a great night!